Thursday 14 April 2011

First UK Dive - Capenwray

The sunshine has arrived, so it was off to Capenwray with Robin Hood Watersports to dip my toe into UK waters and brave 9 degrees! It definitely took me a while to get used my new "ice cream head" but once I was in, it was amazing. I was surrounded by a huge school of trout zooming in front of me, and it was really great to see so many wonderful things underwater to photograph. Alex and Carl played models and I nearly passed out laughing when I met Shergar underwater, just in time for the Grand National!

A new course has been announced for the weekend of 28th and 29th May, the 28th has already sold out and there are just four spots for the 29th, so if you are interested, just let me know!

Really looking forward to spending more time up north .....

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